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765'6 10'2 1.36 755'2 765'6 755'2 755'4 1561 MGE 05/15/24 06:34
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Dec 2024 Options
Days Until Expiration: 191
Calls Puts
Symbol Price Chg Open High Low Volume Open Int Strike Symbol Price Chg Open High Low Volume Open Int
@MWZ24C7400   61'1s -0'3 --- --- --- 0 103 7400 @MWZ24P7400   46'1s 1'3 --- --- --- 6 6
@MWZ24C7450   --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 7450 @MWZ24P7450   --- --- --- --- --- 0 0
@MWZ24C7500   56'7s -0'3 --- --- --- 10 540 7500 @MWZ24P7500   --- --- --- --- --- 0 0
@MWZ24C7550   --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 7550 @MWZ24P7550   --- --- --- --- --- 0 0
@MWZ24C7600   52'7s -0'2 --- --- --- 0 7 7600 @MWZ24P7600   --- --- --- --- --- 0 0
@MWZ24C7650   --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 7650 @MWZ24P7650   --- --- --- --- --- 0 0
@MWZ24C7700   49'1s -0'2 --- --- --- 0 5 7700 @MWZ24P7700   --- --- --- --- --- 0 0
@MWZ24C7750   47'3s -0'2 --- --- --- 0 21 7750 @MWZ24P7750   --- --- --- --- --- 0 0
@MWZ24C7800   45'5s -0'2 --- --- --- 0 8 7800 @MWZ24P7800   --- --- --- --- --- 0 0
@MWZ24C7850   44'0s -0'2 --- --- --- 0 4 7850 @MWZ24P7850   --- --- --- --- --- 0 0
@MWZ24C7900   42'3s -0'2 --- --- --- 0 5 7900 @MWZ24P7900   --- --- --- --- --- 0 0
    In the money     At the money
Quotes generated on: Wed, May 15, 2024 6:58 AM CDT